
  • 產品名稱:API600閘閥

  • 產品型號:Z41WZ41HZ41Y
  • 產品廠商:英科
  • 產品文檔:
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API600閘閥 Cast Steel Gate

Z41H Z40H Z41Y Z4OY Z41W Z40W  壓力范圍:Class 150Lb-1500Lb 1500psi-5000psi 1.6Mpa-250Mpa
彈性閥座:Z40H-150Lb Z4OY-150Lb Z40W-150Lb Z40H-300Lb Z4OY-300Lb Z40W-300Lb~1500Lb
契式閘閥:Z41H-150Lb Z41Y-150Lb Z41W-150Lb Z41H-300Lb Z41Y-300Lb Z41W-300Lb~1500Lb
Y 硬質合金 Horniness          H 合金鋼 Alloyed steel

  即使在理想的實驗室測試環境下,不考慮法蘭光潔度和密封墊負載,API 600
密封墊后,我們選擇了在我們的測試中表現性能密封墊 - 帶石墨填料通路
API600閘(zha)閥概述 及使用材料

  1. 更緊密地閥桿密封。
    Safer and tighter stem seal.
  2. 又短又窄的填料腔改善了密封性能。
    Short and narrow packing chamber improves sealing effectiveness.
  3. 配置雙填料和無泄漏的長壽命防泄漏填料腔或單填料。
    雙填料:經過4000 psi壓縮的兩套石墨填料密封環。也可選擇一個套環和leak-off,用于消除泄漏現象。
    Long-life leakproof packing chamber with double packing and leak-off or single set packing.
    Double packing: two sets of graphite packing rings compressed to 4000 psi. A lantern ring and leak-off provide option for removal of leakage, if any, from lower packing set.
    Single set packing: three or four graphite rings between braided rings, 80-90 lbs./cu. ft. density.
  4. 動負載。
     Two sets of Belleville springs keep stem tight for long periods of time without maintenance.
  5. 兩件式閥桿驅動可在線更新。
    Two-piece stem drive is renewable in-line.
  6. 更有效的防泄漏閥體-閥帽連接。
    Stronger leakproof body-bonnet joint.
    Class 150: Corrugated graphite-filled steel gasket.
    Class 300-600: Fully-encased spiral wound graphite-filled stainless steel gasket.
  7. 300,600,900和1500磅級配置圓形閥帽和封閉密封墊。
    Classes 300, 600, 900 and 1500 have round bonnet and encased gasket
    Welded-in seats hardfaced with Stellite 6.
  8. 柔性一件式楔板,采用鎢鉻鈷合金6或13 CR硬面(DN200以上采用實心13 CR)。
    Flexible one-piece wedge, hardfaced with Stellite 6 or 13 CR (solid 13 CR up to 8").
  9. 13 CR硬化的閥桿,接近鏡面的拋光度,延長填料的使用壽命。
    13 CR hardened stem with mirror-like, burnished finish for longer packing life

API600閘(zha)閥規格主要尺寸和重量   Size Main Dimensions and Weight

DN 150Lb凸面法(fa)蘭(RF)     主要尺寸   Dimensions(mm)

 重量(kg) Weight

mm in L D D1 D2 b n-φd H D0
15 1/2 108 89 60.5 35 11.2 4-16 169 100 5
20 3/4 117 98 69.9 43 12.7 4-16 192 100 6.1
25 1 127 108 79.2 51 14.2 4-16 230 120 9
32 11/4 140 117 89 63 16 4-16 246 120 12
40 11/2 165 127 98.6 73 17.5 4-16 283 150 17
50 2 178 152 120.7 92 19.0 4-19 323 150 23
65 21/2 190.5 178 139.7 105 22.4 4-19 347 180 45
80 3 203 190 152.4 127 24 4-19 383 200 50
100 4 229 229 190.5 157 24 8-19 457 200 63
125 5 254 254 216 186 24 8-22.5 632 250 89
150 6 267 279 241.5 216 25.4 8-22.5 635 250 108
200 8 292 343 298.5 270 28.4 8-22.5 762 280 171
250 10 330 406 362 324 30.2 12-25.4 892 300 263
300 12 356 483 431.8 381 32 12-25.4 1080 350 346
350 14 381 533 476.3 413 35 12-29 1295 350 488
400 16 406 597 539.8 470 36.6 16-29 1435 400 621
450 18 432 635 577.9 533 39.6 16-32 1626 400 814
500 20 457 398 635 584 43 20-32 1829 450 992
600 24 508 813 749.3 692 48.8 20-35 2175 500 1492
650 26 559 786 744.5 711 51.3 36-22.5 2235 550 1801
700 28 610 837 795.3 762 44.5 40-22.5 2310 600 1933
750 30 610 887 846 813 44.5 44-22.5 2695 600 2272
800 32 660 941 900 864 46 48-22.5 3708 -- --
900 36 711 1057 1009.7 927 52.3 40-25.4 3924 -- --
1000 40 812 1175 1120.6 1080 55.6 44-25.4 4318 -- --

  1. 高度不包括執行機構。
    Height does not include actuator.
  2. 齒輪執行機構。
    Gear actuator.
  3. 300磅級以上的對焊和法蘭閥門具有相同的面到面尺寸。
    Butt weld and flanged valves have the same end-to-end dimensions for Class 300 and up
    廠(chang)家主要生產(chan)美(mei)標(biao)閥門:美(mei)標(biao)鋼制截止閥,美標截止閥(fa),美(mei)式蝶閥(fa),美標止回閥(fa),美標旋塞(sai)閥,美(mei)標(biao)閘閥(fa),美標(biao)球閥,美標手(shou)動(dong)閘閥,美標手(shou)動截止閥,美標對夾式止回閥,美標絲(si)口截(jie)止(zhi)閥,電磁閥(fa):防爆電(dian)磁閥,法蘭電磁閥,電磁真空(kong)閥,螺(luo)紋電磁(ci)閥,電子(zi)除垢(gou)儀(yi);減壓閥:法(fa)蘭減(jian)壓閥,螺(luo)紋減壓閥,過(guo)濾器,球閥:軌(gui)道(dao)球閥,螺紋連(lian)接球(qiu)閥,法蘭連接球閥,一片式球閥,二片式球閥,三片式球閥,對焊(han)承插球閥(fa),廣式(shi)球閥,三通(tong)球(qiu)閥,排氣閥:復合(he)排氣(qi)閥,微量排氣閥,立式自動排氣閥(fa),單口(kou)排(pai)氣閥(fa),雙(shuang)口排氣閥,排空閥,針型閥(fa),不銹鋼閥門,排污(wu)閥,刀(dao)型閘(zha)閥,鍛鋼閥門,柱塞閥,氣動閥門,真空(kong)閥(fa),柱塞閥(fa),蝶閥(fa),隔膜閥,襯膠閥門,襯氟(fu)閥(fa)門,漿(jiang)液閥,呼吸閥,阻火器,水力控制閥(fa),疏水閥,閘閥,截(jie)止閥,止回閥,氧氣閥,視鏡(jing) 氨氣閥,排泥閥(fa),排(pai)泥閥(fa),旋(xuan)塞閥(fa),平衡閥(fa),調節(jie)閥(fa),管夾閥 氣動閥門,真空閥,技(ji)術(shu)為本,追求**的服務,正直誠信,英(ying)科泵(beng)閥與(yu)您攜(xie)手共創(chuang)美好明天
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